How to Properly Stage Your Home for Sale

Proper home staging can help you sell your home faster, and many homeowners even go out of their way to hire a specialist to stage their home for them. Staging allows potential buyers to picture themselves and their possessions in your home. If the buyer can see themselves living there, they’re more likely to buy.
Living Room
- Remove any unnecessary furniture.
- Pull the furniture away from the walls.
- Replace any dark-colored curtains with light colors.
- Place unique artwork together.
- Remove or hide electrical cords and wires.
- Remove family portraits.
- Add a coffee table book.
Dining Room
- Set the table for dinner as if you were cooking for the family.
- Open up the blinds to allow in natural light.
- Replace old light bulbs with 100-watt light bulbs.
- Hang up light-colored curtains.
- Remove any clutter on the countertops.
- Add a bowl of fruit as a centerpiece to add color.
- Replace old knobs and hardware.
- Remove items from the refrigerator, like magnets or children’s drawings.
- Buy a new faucet or replace old fixtures.
- Repaint with loud, vibrant colors.
- Fix leaky faucets.
As you can see, there is plenty to accomplish in each room of the house to appropriately stage a home for a buyer. Staging requires a lot of work, but if you’re running low on time or energy, know that you don’t need to stage your home to make a sure sale.
If you want a guaranteed sale, call Frank Buys Houses . We work with homeowners daily who want to sell their homes in California. We’ll provide you with a quick cash offer within 24 hours — no need to stage your home, perform expensive repairs, or undergo major renovations.
For a cash offer within 24 hours, give us a call at 209-395-1355!